Predavanja dr. sc. Miryam Bar-Matthews

Predavanja dr. sc. Miryam Bar-Matthews

Pozivamo Vas na predavanja koja će održati dr. sc. Miryam Bar-Matthews (Geological Survey of Israel) u organizaciji Odjela za geografiju i European Association of Geochemistry. Predavanja će biti održana u Novom kampusu (multimedijska dvorana, br. 117) prema sljedećem rasporedu:
- Petak, 30. listopada 2015. u 11.00 h: „Speleothems as paleoclimate indicators”
- Ponedjeljak, 2. studenog 2015. u 17.00 h: „Water availability in Middle East and North Africa and the connection to human dispersal: insights from speleothems research”

Dr. sc. Miryam Bar-Matthews na Sveučilištu u Zadru gostuje u okviru programa „Distinguished Lecture Program“ Europskog geokemijskog društva te će održati dva predavanja namijenjena ne samo studentima geografije već i široj znanstvenoj javnosti koja proučava promjene u okolišu i njihov utjecaj na ljudske aktivnost i društvene procese.
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Predavanja dr. sc. Miryam Bar-Matthews
Poziv na audiciju

Poziv na audiciju

Akademski pjevački zbor Sveučilišta u Zadru traži muške glasove. Svi zainteresirani mogu doći na redovite probe koje se održavaju ponedjeljkom i utorkom od 17,00 sati do 19,00 sati u prostoriji 103 u Novom kampusu.
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Poziv na audiciju
Welcome Reception for the Students of the First Year Undergraduate and Integrated Studies

Welcome Reception for the Students of the First Year Undergraduate and Integrated Studies

A welcome reception for the students of the first year undergraduate and integrated studies was held on October 5, 2015 in the University's Great Hall. The students were first welcomed and greeted to the University of Zadar by Rector Dijana Vican, Full Professor. After wishing the students a warm welcome, the Rector represented the Zadar University. She acquainted the students with the manner of studying and the possibilities they had. Finally, she invited them to use the advantages of studying in a town the size of Zadar.
Štefan Štivičić, President of the Student Union, introduced the present students with the Union's function and invited them to actively participate in its work. He also announced the Orientation week between 12th and 16th October 2015, and the Freshman Party.
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Welcome Reception for the Students of the First Year Undergraduate and Integrated Studies
New Deputy Rectors Elected

New Deputy Rectors Elected

New deputy rectors were elected at the first session of the University of Zadar's Senate in the 2015-2016 academic year, presided by Rector Dijana Vican, Full Professor: Nedjeljka Balić Nižić, Associate Professor; Deputy Rector for Studies and Student Affairs; Josip Faričić, Full Professor, Deputy Rector for Development Strategy and Publishing; Ivanka Stričević, Associate Professor, Deputy Rector for Scientific Affairs and Information Infrastructure; Zjalić, Associate Professor, Deputy Rector for Inter-Institutional Cooperation and Technology Transfer.
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New Deputy Rectors Elected
Otvoren znanstveni skup "Novigrad nekad i sad"

Otvoren znanstveni skup "Novigrad nekad i sad"

Danas, 16. listopada 2015. godine u 9,30 sati u Svečanoj dvorani Sveučilišta u Zadru otvoren je znanstveni skup Novigrad nekad i sad.
Pozdravne govore u ime svojih ustanova uputili su: član suradnik Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti prof. dr. sc. Slobodan Kaštela, načelnik općine Novigrad Joso Klapan, dipl. vet., pročelnik Upravnog odjela za kulturu i šport Grada Zadra Radovan Dunatov, prof., pročelnik Upravnog odjela za društvene djelatnosti Zadrske županije Ivan Šimunić, prof., član predsjedništva ogranka Matice hrvatske u Zadru prof. dr. sc. Josip Lisac, upravitelj Zavoda za povijesne znanosti HAZU Zadar dr. sc. Tado Oršolić i prorektor Sveučilišta u Zadru prof. dr. sc. Josip Faričić.
Nakon pozdravnih govora skup je započeo sa svojim programom.
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Otvoren znanstveni skup "Novigrad nekad i sad"