2024 Magna Charta Observatory (MCO) Student Essay Competition
Following the success of last year’s event, this competition offers a unique opportunity for university students worldwide to reflect on and propose changes to enhance inclusivity within their higher education experience. Students participation will not only contribute to the global dialogue on inclusivity in higher education but also offer them a chance to present their ideas on an international platform.
For more details about the competition and to access the submission form, please follow link: https://mcostudents.plateformecandidature.com/
Student Conference "Power and Control: State and Society in Transformation"
The University of Messina's PhDs in "Political Science" and "Science of Public Administration" are pleased to invite political science, public administration, law, economics and humanities PhD students and post-docs to the Student Conference "Power and Control: State and Society in Transformation". The event, scheduled for 14-15-16 November 2024, will privilege the encounter of different scientific methodologies, aiming at enhancing dialogue and shared research on the dialectics between power and control. This conference intends to spark off a wide-ranging discussion among the new generations of researchers, enriched by the presence of authoritative scholars who will hold training sessions.
For more information, you can find the English version of the call here.