Other Mobility Programmes

1. CEEPUS programme

2. The U.S. Government's Fulbright Scholarship Programme

3. Other Scholarships Based on Croatia's Bilateral Cooperation in The Area of Higher Education

CEEPUS programme

The Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS) is an academic mobility programme for teaching staff and students from Central and Eastern Europe. The countries included in the programme are: Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. A unique feature of this programme is that every host country pays for the expenses of its exchange quota, which means that grants are adjusted to the needs and living conditions in the country in question. The grants include the costs of lodging and meals, and a determined amount of money (information about the amounts of grants for individual countries can be found here), while travel expenses are covered by the National CEEPUS Office.

The programme is conducted via the CEEPUS networks that are established by related universities or departments. The University of Zadar's departments currently participate in 14 CEEPUS networks and in five so-called „umbrella“ CEEPUS networks:

•    Sociology for Societies – Understanding socio-cultural changes in contemporary societies (HR-1603-04-2425) - Department of Sociology (coordinator)
•    Women Writers in History (SI-1515-05-2425) - Department of Teachers and Preschool Teachers Education
•    FISH (French, Italian, Spanish) - Romance Languages and Cultures - Strategies of Communication and Culture Transfer in Central Europe (HU-0809-12-2425) Department of French and Francophone Studies
•    Red de Hispanistas de Europa Central (RO-0814-12-2425) - Department of Hispanic and Iberian Studies
•    Education Without Frontiers (AT-0050-20-2425) - Department of Information Sciences
•    GEOREGNET (CZ-0111-19-2425) - Department of Geography
•    Slavic Philology and its Cultural Contexts (AT-0037-20-2425) - Department of Croatian Studies
•    TRANS - TRANSkulturelle Kommunikation und TRANSlation (SI-0711-13-2425) - Department of German Studies
•    Empowering social dimension of education through quality teacher education development research (SOCTED) - XK-1818-02-2425 - Department of Pedagogy
•    German as a Foreign Language in Central and Eastern Europe: New Perspectives of Teacher Training (Umbrella) (HU-1201-08-2425) - Department of German Studies
•    Inter-American Studies (Umbrella) (AT-0503-14-2425) - Department of Sociology
•    Modern Antiquity: Network for Classical Studies (Umbrella) (MK-1201-08-2425) - Department of Classical Philology
•    ARHEOPED (Umbrella) (SI-0113-18-2425) - Department of Archaeology
•    Pedagogy and Andragogy in Central Europe - PACE (Umbrella) (SI-0906-10-2425) - Department of Pedagogy

In case all grants have not been used within the CEEPUS networks, students and teaching staff are allowed mobility through the so-called CEEPUS freemover grant, regardless of which department they study or work in.  Within the freemover scholarship, it is possible to attend any university in the countries included in the CEEEPUS programme during the summer semester. The call for the freemover grants is usually published in November, and applications are submitted online at this address: www.ceepus.info.

More information about the CEEPUS programme can be found at the web pages of the CEEPUS programme, the International Relations Office, and the National CEEPUS Office.

The U.S. Government's Fulbright Scholarship Programme

Within the Fulbright programme, scholarships for scientific research and studies in the USA are offered at all levels of study and in various scientific areas. The call for applications is published every year and is available on the web page of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports of the Republic of Croatia and on the web page of the American Embassy in the Republic of Croatia.

For more information please refer to the contact person in the American Embassy, Mrs Vanja Ratković, by phone on 00 385(0)1 661-2206, or email at: RatkovicV@state.gov

Other Scholarships Based on Croatia's Bilateral Cooperation in The Area of Higher Education

The implementation of bilateral higher education mobility programmes is based on bilateral contracts, programmes and other implementing acts of the Republic of Croatia including scholarships for different types of mobility. The Ministry of Science, Education and Sports currently implements 29 bilateral higher education mobility programmes with the following countries: Austria, Australia, Belgium (Flanders), Bulgaria, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, France, Greece, Italy, India, Israel, Japan, Canada, China, Hungary, Macedonia, Germany, Poland, Portugal, the Russian Federation, Romania, the USA, the Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and the United Kingdom.

More information can be found on the web page of the Agency for mobility and EU Programmes.

Other Opportunities

Except for mobility programmes, students of the University of Zadar, and young people in general, might be interested in some other initiatives by the European Union, such as:

The Eurodesk centre is a European Commission's free-of-charge information service. Its purpose is to offer quality information about European programmes and policies for youth, both to young people and to all of those who work with them, with the aim to promote learning and training through mobility.

Eurodesk in Croatia was initiated in 2011 through the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMPEU). It is a part of the network which consists of a central office in Bruxelles, national coordinators from 33 European countries and over 1200 local and regional partners. More information is available here.

European Voluntary Service (EVS) enables young people between 17 and 30 years of age to spend 12 months volunteering in a foreign country, on projects dealing with various topics (art, culture, youth, media, environment, sports, antidiscrimination, human rights, the European Union, etc.). A volunteer contributes to the work of the organisation one is assigned to. Constant support is guaranteed in work and learning, as well as an informal course in the native language of the country one stays in.

Euroguidance is a European national centres network aimed at professional guidance. It is intended for persons who provide guidance in employment and education at all levels (psychologists, educators, counsellors for professional guidance and occupational information, social workers) as well as for persons present in the labour market who need or require professional guidance. Euroguidance also helps those who want to learn and improve themselves in other European countries by giving them relevant information on local educational and training systems, and with offered mobility opportunities. The Euroguidance Centre Croatia operates within the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes (AMPEU) and promotes mobility and a European dimension in the system of professional guidance. More information is available here.