Mission and Vision Statements



The University of Zadar's mission is based on the Act on Science and Higher Education that prescribes the promotion of scientific, educational, artistic and developmental policies to all universities. The University of Zadar shall especially promote the aspects of the policies that represent a strategic interest to the Zadar region. The policies will be reflected in the organisation and the conduct of research and artistic work, undergraduate, graduate and doctoral studies. The University shall systematically improve its organisational framework, coordinated work among its constituents and promote a reasonable use of human and material resources. The University shall ensure the student and teaching staff mobility (among departments and universities), the development of multidisciplinary studies and cooperation among institutions; it shall monitor the quality as well as the competitiveness of educational, artistic, scientific and professional work. With its status of an intellectual authority and the most prominent institution in the town and region, and given the unique diversity of its surroundings, the University shall lead the initiation of integrative and innovative projects essential to the University, town, region and the Republic of Croatia.


The University of Zadar will be research-oriented. Its development will be based on the reaffirmation of a long academic tradition and on the promotion of its unique natural setting as well as its intellectual and cultural heritage. A special effort will be put into the development of scientific and teaching activities in natural sciences, engineering, biotechnology and biomedical sciences, which are less present at the University of Zadar but are closely connected to economic development.

This vision will be achieved in partnership with all of those who participate in the process of education and research and with all entities that require the University's services and cooperation: the economy, social community, and social partners. The foundation of the vision is in a long-term and consistent work on academic excellence, purposeful and well-defined learning outcomes and lifelong learning; in the aspiration towards sustainable development, mobility and cooperation with European institutions; in tolerance and civil society development; in the acceptance of innovations; and, finally, in natural, cultural and anthropological heritage of the Medditerranean, to which Zadar and its surroundings have always belonged.