Doctorate Graduation Ceremony 11/25/2014 A graduation ceremony for the new doctors of science was held at the University of...
Cooperation Agreement Signed with the State University of Tetovo 11/25/2014 Full Professor Vullnet Ameti, Rector of the State University of Tetovo, and Full...
A working meeting and contract signing on publishing the scientific monograph on Kali 11/25/2014 Full Professor Ante Uglešić, Rector of the University of Zadar, and Duško Vidov, MEng,...
Golden Medal for the University of Zadar's Women’s Basketball Team 11/25/2014 The 14th World InterUniversities Tournament EUROROMA 2014 was held in Rome from 13 to...
CIMMAR - Center for Interdisciplinary Marine and Maritime Research 11/28/2013 CIMMAR - Center for Interdisciplinary Marine and Maritime Research