Join us in the workshop “Social distancing and close relationships: How much human nature can bear?“ that was created in cooperation with Department of Psychology, as part of the course Psychology of Emotions and Motivation, led by PhD Jelena Ombla.
The Workshop will take place on November, 11th at 4 PM, with goal to make participants aware of the importance of close relationships, how it is possible to preserve them during social distancing and how to handle with social distancing.
The workshop leaders are Lara Nizeteo, Marija-Magdalena Pintur i Paula Radetić, undergraduate students of Psychology 3rd year.
Workshop duration: 45 min
The place of event will be announced after we find out the total number of participants.
To all participants a certificate of participation in the workshop will be issued which they can attach to their CV.
You can make registration until November 10th at 12AM, through link.
Registration for the workshop is mandatory
See you!
Student Counseling Center of the University of Zadar