The University of Zadar opened its doors once more to all interested pupils, i.e. potential freshmen, who could find out how it was like to study on a certain study programme from the very students who had decided to finish their studies in Zadar.
At the Open Days event from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., the representatives of each department, as well as their students, offered necessary information regarding studying in Zadar. The aim of the event is to represent the curriculum and point to all the advantages of studying in Zadar.
The programme started in the Great Hall with a music performance by the student a cappella group (klapa) „Študija“. After the musical introduction, the Department of French and Iberormance Studies provided a representation of professional study travels. The purpose of these travels is for the students to get familiar not only with French literature but also to other French speaking countries.
Studying, learning and conducting research abroad helps a student to acquire knowledge, communication and exchange experience with people from different cultural environments. Students of the University of Zadar can achieve mobility through different mobility programmes managed by the International Relations Office.
As a part of the University of Zadar's Open Days programme, Nilo Karuca, one of the most notable graphic designers in Zadar, held an exhibition of his more recent graphics of thirty years ago in „Božo Lerotić” student club.
Students' Union, as a students' representative body that protects students' interests and represents them in the higher education system, presented student projects (the organisation of social and cultural events, student gatherings, media, expert meetings, conferences and symposiums, research and scientific work).
Zadar's Linguistic Forum, a students' gathering organised by the Department of Linguistics of the University of Zadar, aims to encourage students to participate in research projects and to develop language awareness in its different aspects.
What is speleology, what are rope climbing and descending techniques, what does climbing and speleological equipment look like – these are all questions answered by the Department of Geography students who demonstrated speleological technique.
The Department of Sociology represented a joint graduate study of Cultural Sociology, organised by the University of Graz, the University of Trent and Masaryk University in Brno, where students obtain a joint diploma of all four partner universities upon graduation.
For the third year in a row, the students of the lower socio-economic condition receive scholarship from the partners the OTP Bank and the Bank of Split.
The students of the Department of Psychology and the Health Department have the opportunity to receive scholarship and psychiatric-psychotherapeutic student training at AMEOS Klinikum Bad Aussee. Students who decide to undergo training in this clinic are expected to show interest in psychotherapeutic, psychiatric and psychosomatic activities, and to possess knowledge of the German language (preferably B2 level) since 90% of the patients are from the German speaking area.
Student Counselling Centre, Centre for Onomastic Research of the Adriatic also represented their activities, and Centre for Gymnastics and Student Sports represented their skills in sports arenas.