As a part of the Open Days at the University of Zadar, an exhibition by Nilo Karuca, one of the most prominent Zadar's graphic artists, was opened at the „Božo Lerotić“ Students Club.
This former student of the University of Zadar is also a member of the Alumni Club of the University of Zadar. The club gathers graduated students of the University of Zadar, as well as the graduated students of its legal predecessors: the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar, the Pedagogical Academy in Zadar, and The Teachers' College in Zadar, and its main goals are the promotion and advancement of the University, as well as the support of scientific, expert and practical activities of the members.
Full Professor Robert Bacalja, Vice-Rector of the University of Zadar, said that Nilo Karuca had returned to the place he had left after graduation, but this time with an exhibition of more recent graphics and drawings he had made around thirty years ago.
Nilo Karuc was born in 1950 in Zadar where he graduated from the Art Section at the Pedagogical Academy in 1976. He makes graphics and graphic design exclusively. He is one of the co-founders of the Youth Salon in Zadar, and in 2000 he founded the ZadarArt Association. He participated in ten individual and around fifty group exhibitions.
For this expert graphic artist, a photographer Željko Karavida said that anyone who saw Nilo's graphics would remember it for their unique feature – they connect things that seem unconnectable at first sight. He is a supreme drawer who puts the drawing in an abstract context.