Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Geography of Croatia

In August 2015 came out the press the English version of capital work The Geography of Croatia (in Croatian Geografija Hrvatske) written by Prof. Damir Magaš. For the first time this issue made possible to the wider world public, to broad knowledge upon geographical features of the Croatian territory. After a long time, this book, as a monographic edition and as expanded university textbook material, is a new template of the geographical understanding and study of Croatian territory. With its innovative attitudes, concepts and interpretations, this edition is a kind of turning point in the modern geographical approach in Croatia. It is also an incentive to new generations of Croatian geographers to produce modern analytical and synthetic works on this extraordinary part of Europe. The originator of Zadar geographical school, Prof. D. Magaš Ph. D., the founder of the Department of Geography, Geoadria scientific journal and the Centre for Karst and Coastal Researches of the University of Zadar, in which was one of the founders and the first rector, through 600 pages of this edition provides a valuable and indispensable contribution to better understanding of the geographical area of contemporary Croatia from ancient times until today.