Odjel za etnologiju i antropologiju

Mario Katić

Mario Katić is a teaching and research assistant at the Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at University of Zadar, Croatia. He teaches four courses: Pilgrimage and Sacred Places, Methodology of Ethnographic Research, Slavic Mythology and Introduction to Folklore Studies. His main areas of interest are pilgrimage and sacred places, death, memory and folklore. He is the author of numerous articles, and the editor and co-editor of two volumes about Bosnian Croats. Recently he co-edited Pilgrimage, Politics and Place-Making in Eastern Europe: Crossing the Borders (Ashgate publishing), and Pilgrimage and Sacred Places in South-eastern Europe: History, Religious Tourism, and Contemporary Trends (Lit Verlag). He is currently undertaking research in the Dalmatian hinterland and Bosnia.