Odjel za sociologiju

Vjeran Katunarić, Full Professor


Department of Sociology
University of Zadar 
Obala kralja Petra Krešimira IV, br. 2 
23000 Zadar, Republic of Croatia 
Consultations: Monday 15:00-16:00 (the sociological room)
Phone + 385 (0)23 200-507
Fax. +385 (0)23 200 603 
e-mail:  vjeran.katunaric@zg.t-com.hr     vjeran.katunaric@unizd.hr

Areas of interests:

•    ethnic relations
•    interculturalism 
•    theory building
•    early modern societies
•    culture and development
Selected recent publications

Katunarić, V. (2009) Ženski eros i civilizacija smrti. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk, 2009., 363 pp.

Katunarić, V. (2012) Putovi modernih društava: izazov historijske sociologije. Zagreb: Izdanja Antibarbarus, Sveučilište u Zadru, 2012., 242 pp.

Katunarić,  V.  (2013) Svjetski antibarbarus. O uzrocima propasti prošlog i nadolaska novog kapitalizma. Zagreb: Društvo „Povijest izvan mitova“, 2013. 282 pp.

Katunarić,  V. (2013) Rajska zajednica i društveni pakao. Sociološka razmatranja Zagreb: Disput, 2013, 386 pp.


Articles and book chapters

Katunaric, V. (2009) “Civic education in the European countries”. U zborniku:  K.E. Sauer & J.Held (Hrsg.) Wege der Integration in heterogenen Gesellschaften. Vergleichende Studien. Wiesbaden: VS-Verlag S. 132-148. Isti članak objavljen na engleskom i hrvatskom jeziku u časopisu Metodika. Vol. 10, No. 18 (1/2009), 39-50; 188-202. 

Katunarić, V. (2009) “Building sociological knowledge within and across disciplinary boundaries: megalomania vs. modesty?” Innovation – The European Journal of Social Science Research. Vol. 22, No. 2, June, 155-171.

Katunarić, V. (2009) “Beyond ‘Doom and Gloom’ and ‘Saving the World’: On the Relevance of Sociology in the Civic Education”. Journal of Social Science Education. Vol. 8, No. 4, 11-19.

Katunarić, V. (2010) “(Un)Avoidable War: Peace and Violent Conflict in Multiethnic Areas in Croatia”. Revija za sociologiju 40, 1: 5-29.

Katunarić, V. (2010) “Razvoj ljudske suradnje: prema postmonetarnom društvu?” Revija za sociologiju 40, 3: 129-155.

Katunarić, V. (2010) “The Elements of Culture of Peace in some Multiethnic Communities in Croatia“. Journal of Conflictology, Vol. 1, No.2, 34-45. 

Katunarić, B. (2011) “Causes of parochial status in international knowledge production”. U zborniku: Demyan Belyaev and Zoran Roca, edited by: Contemporary Croatia: Developmental Challenges in a Socio-Cultural Perspective. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas,101-132.

Katunarić, V. (2011) “Otvoreni atelier: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika u mijenama epoha”. U zborniku: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika 1868.-2011. Monografija. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo likovnih umjetnika, str. 9-21.

Katunarić, V. (2013) National independence, democracy and development: the Balkan ending of the modern myths.Njohja. Vol. 1, no. 2; 2013, 91-108.


Recent lectures and conference papers

Banovac, B. , Katunarić, V. , (2013) Boris Banovac, Vjeran Katunarić "From war to tolerance? Bottom-up and top-down approaches to (re)building inter-ethnic ties in the areas of the former Yugoslavia, izlaganje na godišnjem kongresu Association for the Study of Nationalities, Columbia University, New York, April 18-20, 2013.

Katunarić, V. (2013) O djelu Rudija Supeka, Conference of the Croatian Sociological Association,  Zagreb,  22-23 March, 2013.

Katunarić, V. (2012) Prema novoj ulozi centara za kulturu: Socijalna inkluzija i kulturna kreativnost.  Conference "Place of Culture - Culture of Place", Zagreb, 15-17 November.

Katunarić, V. (2011), “On relevance of the peace culture concept in the study of ethnic relations on local levels. ASN World Convention,. Columbia University, 14-16 April 2011.

Katunarić, V. (2011), “Balkan: From the bonding to the bridging metaphor?” 4th INTERNATIONAL BALKANS FORUM PROGRAM “CULTURAL DIPLOMACY”, April 21-23, 2011.

Katunarić, V. (2011), “ ‘Friends are forever’: on the revival of the common cultural space of the former Yugoslavia” Regional cooperation of cultural networks: The Creative Cities of the Balkans in Europe. Skopje, September 22-25, 2011.

Boris Banovac (University of Rijeka), Vjeran Katunarić (University of Zadar) (2010) “Analyzing Ethnic Conflict and Peace Dynamics: Quantitative and Qualitative Aspects”. Conference Qualitative Transitions: Issues of Methodology in Central and South-East European Sociologies, Croatian Sociological Association (HSD), November 19-20.