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Projekt: «Coordinated Research in the Experimental Morphosyntax of South Slavic Languages (EMSS)»

Voditelj projekta: Andrew Nevins, University College London, UK
Suradnik na projektu: Frane Malenica

Opis projekta:
The combinatorial possibilities provided by the unique number and gender morphology of the South Slavic languages create a rich array of morphosyntactic variability both within and across speakers in this language area. While a long dialectal tradition classifies local varieties in terms of lexical items (specifically, words for ‘what’), the present project aims to leverage experimental psycholinguistic research as a means of charting the morphosyntaxes of these languages. 

The research builds on methodology developed for Slovenian by the experimental morphologists, Andrew Nevins and Lanko Marušić, to be applied in parallel at the partner institutions using elicited production and comprehension tasks. The Network’s activities will yield research broadly applicable to understanding the effects of word order, topicality, prosody, and inflection on the choice of agreement controllers, and will bring clarity to incommensurable current descriptions of these phenomena based on non-experimental methods.

The Network  envisions a set of coordinated endeavours through research meetings, on-site expertise transfer, and digital resource sharing to foster a new set of collaborative partnerships addressing questions in geographically-based variation alongside morphosyntactic theory through the use of parallel research cooperation in experimental methods.

Izvor/mrežne stranice projekta: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/pals/research/linguistics/research/leverhulme

Financirano od strane: Leverhulme Trust (2014.-2017.)