Odjel za filozofiju

Basic Informations

The Study of Philosophy organized by the Department is divided into two cycles. The first cycle, defined as the undergraduate program has the duration of six semesters (three years) and is organized as a two-subject study course. The second cycle is defined as the graduate program and has the duration of four semesters (two years). The graduate program is subdivided into Teaching Study of Philosophy, which is organized as a two-subject course of study, and the Scientific Study of Philosophy, which is   organized   as   a   single-subject   study   course.

The student who successfully completes the undergraduate program (Study of Philosophy) is awarded a BA title in Philosophy. This level qualifies the student to perform a large number of activities, mostly socially oriented, such as working within scientific libraries, lexicographic institutions, all types of media, public office, editorial positions within publishing houses, marketing, different analytical teams, etc.

The students completing the graduate program are awarded a MA title in Philosophy.  With the completion of the graduate program (Teaching orientation) the student is qualified to work as a teacher (of the earlier mentioned subjects) within a high school educational system. The scientific orientation within this level of the program qualifies the student for work within various media, scientific research teams, science institutes, higher education institutes, different analytical teams, cultural institutions, on scientific research projects, socially relevant projects, etc.